
51 Z. Gong, F. Mackenroth, X. Q. Yan, and A. Arefiev, "Radiation reaction as an energy enhancement mechanism for laser-irradiated electrons in a strong plasma magnetic field", Scientific Reports 9, 17181 (2019).
52 J. Li, P. Forestier-Colleoni, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, C. McGuffey, A. Arefiev, S. S. Bulanov, J. Peebles, C. Krauland, A. E. Hussein, T. Batson, J. C. Fernandez, R. P. Johnson, G. Petrov, and F. Beg, "Laser-driven acceleration of quasi-monoenergetic, near-collimated titanium ions via a transparency-enhanced acceleration scheme", New J. Phys. 21 103005 (2019).
53 A. P. L. Robinson, K. Tangtartharakul, K. Weichman, and A. V. Arefiev, "Extreme nonlinear dynamics in vacuum laser acceleration with a crossed beam configuration", Phys. Plasmas 26, 093110 (2019).
54 Z. Gong, R. H. Hu, J. Q. Yu, Y. R. Shou, A. Arefiev, and X. Q. Yan, "Radiation rebound and quantum splash in electron-laser collisions", Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22, 093401 (2019).
55 T. Wang, V. Khudik, A. Arefiev, and G. Shvets, "Direct laser acceleration of electrons in the plasma bubble by tightly focused laser pulses", Phys. Plasmas 26, 083101 (2019).
56 T. Wang, Z. Gong, K. Chin, and A. Arefiev, "Impact of ion dynamics on laser-driven electron acceleration and gamma-ray emission in structured targets at ultra-high laser intensities", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61, 084004 (2019).
57 J. K. Koga, M. Murakami, A. Arefiev, and Y. Nakamiya, "Probing and possible application of the QED vacuum with micro-bubble implosions induced by ultra-intense laser pulses", Matter Radiat. Extremes 4, 034401 (2019).
58 M. Murakami, A. Arefiev, M. A. Zosa, J. K. Koga, and Y. Nakamiya, "Relativistic proton emission from ultrahigh-energy-density nanosphere generated by microbubble implosion", Phys. Plasmas 26 043112 (2019).
59 Z. Gong, A. P. L. Robinson, X. Q. Yan, and A. V. Arefiev, "Highly collimated electron acceleration by longitudinal laser fields in a hollow-core target", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61 035012 (2019).
60 J. Li, A. V. Arefiev, S. S. Bulanov, D. Kawahito, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, G. Petrov, C. McGuffey, and F. Beg, "Ionization injection of highly-charged copper ions for laser driven acceleration from ultra-thin foils", Scientific Reports 9, 666 (2019).
61 T. Wang, T. Toncian, M. S. Wei, and A. Arefiev, "Structured targets for detection of Megatesla-level magnetic fields through Faraday rotation of XFEL beams", Phys. Plasmas 26, 013105 (2019).
62 J. Peebles, A. V. Arefiev, S. Zhang, C. McGuffey, M. Spinks, J. Gordon, E. W. Gaul, G. Dyer, M. Martinez, M. E. Donovan, T. Ditmire, J. Park, H. Chen, H. S. McLean, M. S. Wei, S. I. Krasheninnikov, and F. N. Beg, "High-angle deflections of the energetic electrons by a voluminous magnetic structure in near-normal intense laser-plasma interactions", Phys. Rev. E 98, 053202 (2018).
63 L. Willingale, A. V. Arefiev, G. J. Williams, H. Chen, F. Dollar, A. U. Hazi, A. Maksimchuk, M. J.-E. Manuel, E. Marley, W. Nazarov, T. Z. Zhao, and C. Zulick, "The unexpected role of evolving longitudinal electric fields in generating energetic electrons in relativistically transparent plasmas", New J. Phys. 20 093024 (2018).
64 M. Murakami, A. Arefiev, and M. A. Zosa, "Generation of ultrahigh field by micro-bubble implosion", Scientific Reports 8 7537 (2018).
65 A. P. L. Robinson and A. Arefiev, "Interaction of an electron with coherent dipole radiation: role of convergence and anti-dephasing", Phys. Plasmas 25 053107 (2018).
66 J.J. Santos, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, M. Ehret, A. Arefiev, D. Batani, F.N. Beg, A. Calisti, S. Ferri, R. Florido, P. Forestier-Colleoni, S. Fujioka, M.A. Gigosos, L. Giuffrida, L. Gremillet, J.J. Honrubia, S. Kojima, Ph. Korneev, K.F.F. Law, J.-R. Marques, A. Morace, C. Mosse, O. Peyrusse, S. Rose, M. Roth, S. Sakata, G. Schaumann, F. Suzuki-Vidal, V.T. Tikhonchuk, T. Toncian, N. Woolsey, and Z. Zhang, "Laser-driven strong magnetostatic fields with applications to charged beam transport and magnetized high energy-density physics", Phys. Plasmas 25 056705 (2018).
67 O. Jansen, T. Wang, D. Stark, E. d'Humières, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Leveraging extreme laser-driven magnetic fields for gamma-ray generation and pair production", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60 054006 (2018).
68 A. V. Arefiev, I. Y. Dodin, A. Köhn, E. J. Du Toit, E. Holzhauer, V. F. Shevchenko, and R. G. L. Vann, "Kinetic simulations of X-B and O-X-B mode conversion and its deterioration at high input power", Nucl. Fusion 57 116024 (2017).