- Electric Field overplotted with positions of selected electrons
- Moving Window 2D
- Results May 5th 2022
- Gold Wire
- Public
There are 500 electrons plotted on this graph which are visible so long as their positions lie within the graph limits. There are chosen from the dumped subset e_loc in the input.deck file. The subset of electrons is limited further by only selecting those electrons that have a divergence angle [\theta= arctan(p_{trans}/p_x)] less than 5 degrees at a time of 210 fs (dump number 70). This is a little arbitrary but it was a balance between selecting enough particles to have any statistics at all with, and making sure the electrons are what we are looking for. Within the previously stated limit 500 electrons are selected using the python random function with a seed of 0 for reproducibility, these electrons are then followed using their particle ID.
Please note that the window (and laser pulse) travel in the positive x direction, with the window moving at c, where c is the speed of light in a vacuum. The x-axis is horizontal in this case so the laser pulse is traveling left to right, I will set and stick to a convention at a later point, sorry about this.