
1 I-L. Yeh, K. Tangtartharakul, H. Tang, L. Willingale, and A. Arefiev, "Efficient backward x-ray emission in a finite-length plasma irradiated by a laser pulse of ps duration", Phys. Plasmas 31, 113108 (2024).
2 Jue Xuan Hao, Xiang Tang, A. Arefiev, Robert J. Kingham, Ping Zhu, Yin Shi, and Jian Zheng, "Generation of 10 kT axial magnetic fields using multiple conventional laser beams: a sensitivity study for kJ PW-class laser facilities", Matter Radiat. Extremes 10, 017201 (2024).
3 P. Kordell, C. Zulick, A. E. Hussein, A. Arefiev, T. Batson, J. Cobble, V. Glebov, D. Haberberger, C. Stoeckl, P. M. Nilson, K. Krushelnick, and L. Willingale, "Quasi-monoenergetic ion acceleration and neutron generation from laser-driven transverse collisionless shocks", Phys. Plasmas 31, 103110 (2024).
4 T. Meir, I. Cohen, K. Tangtartharakul, T. Cohen, M. Fraenkel, A. Arefiev, and I. Pomerantz, "Plasma-guided Compton source", Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 044004 (2024).
5 Y. Shi, X. Zhang, A. Arefiev, and B. Shen, "Advances in laser-plasma interactions using intense vortex laser beams", Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 67, 295201 (2024)
6 M. Pokornik, D. Higginson, G. Swadling, D. Larson, K. Moczulski, B. Pollock, E. Tubman, P. Tzeferacos, H. S. Park, F. Beg, A. Arefiev, and M. Manuel, "A deep learning approach to fast analysis of collective Thomson scattering spectra", Phys. Plasmas 31, 072115 (2024).
7 H. Tang, K. Tangtartharakul, R. Babjak, I-L Yeh, F. Albert, H. Chen, P. T. Campbell, Y. Ma, P. M. Nilson, B. K. Russell, J. L. Shaw, A. G. R. Thomas, M. Vranic, A. Arefiev, and L. Willingale, "The influence of laser focusing conditions on the direct laser acceleration of electrons", New J. Phys. 26, 053010 (2024).
8 R. Babjak, L. Willingale, A. Arefiev, and M. Vranic, "Direct laser acceleration in underdense plasmas with multi-PW lasers: a path to high-charge, GeV-class electron bunches", Phys. Rev. Letters 132, 125001 (2024).
9 J.  P. Palastro, K. G. Miller, R. K. Follett, D. Ramsey, K. Weichman, A. Arefiev, and D. H. Froula, "Space-time structured plasma waves", Phys. Rev. Letters 132, 095101 (2024).
10 A. Arefiev, I.-L. Yeh, K. Tangtartharakul, and L. Willingale, "Electron energy gain due to a laser frequency modulation experienced by electron during betatron motion", Physics of Plasmas 31, 023106 (2024).
11 I. Cohen, T. Meir, K. Tangtartharakul, L. Perelmutter, M. Elkind, Y. Gershuni, A. Levanon, A. Arefiev, and I. Pomerantz, "Undepleted direct laser acceleration", Sci. Adv. 10, eadk1947 (2024).
12 M. Elkind, I. Cohen, D. Blackman, T. Meir, L. Perelmutter, T. Catabi, A. Levanon, S. Glenzer, A. Arefiev, and I. Pomerantz, "Intense laser interaction with micro‐bars", Scientific Reports 13, 21345 (2023)
13 M. Habibi, A. Arefiev, and T. Toncian, "High field suppression of bremsstrahlung emission in high-intensity laser–plasma interactions", Phys. Plasmas 30, 103108 (2023).
14 K. Sugimoto, Y. He, N. Iwata, I-L. Yeh, K. Tangtartharakul, A. Arefiev, and Y. Sentoku, "Positron generation and acceleration in a self-organized photon collider enabled by an ultraintense laser pulse", Phys. Rev. Letters 131, 065102 (2023).
15 Yin Shi, Alexey Arefiev, Jue Xuan Hao, and Jian Zheng, "Efficient generation of axial magnetic field by multiple laser beams with twisted pointing directions", Phys. Rev. Letters 130, 155101 (2023).
16 Y. He and A. Arefiev, "Algorithm for computing the electron-positron yield from the linear Breit-Wheeler process in high-intensity laser-plasma interactions", Comp. Phys. Comm. 286, 108657 (2023).
17 Z. Gong, S. S. Bulanov, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Energy-chirp compensation of laser-driven ion beams enabled by structured targets", Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042031 (2022).
18 Y. Shi, D. Blackman, P. Zhu, and A. Arefiev, "Electron pulse train accelerated by a linearly polarized Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam", High Power Laser Science and Engineering (2022).
19 K. Weichman, J. Palastro, A. Robinson, R. Bingham, and A. Arefiev, "Underdense relativistically thermal plasma produced by magnetically assisted direct laser acceleration", Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042017 (2022).
20 D. Blackman, R. Nuter, Ph. Korneev, A. Arefiev, and V. Tikhonchuk, "Kinetic phenomena of helical plasma waves with orbital angular momentum",  Physics of Plasmas 29, 072105 (2022).
21 D. Blackman, Y. Shi, S. Klein, M. Cernaianu, D. Doria, P. Ghenuche, and A. Arefiev, "Electron acceleration from transparent targets irradiated by ultra-intense helical laser beams", Communications Physics 5, 116 (2022).
22 Y. He, T. G. Blackburn, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Achieving pair creation via linear and nonlinear Breit-Wheeler processes in dense plasmas",  Physics of Plasmas 29, 053105 (2022).
23 K. Weichman, A. P. L. Robinson, M. Murakami, J. J. Santos, S. Fujioka, T. Toncian, J. P. Palastro, and A. Arefiev, "Progress in relativistic laser–plasma interaction with kilotesla-level applied magnetic fields",  Physics of Plasmas 29, 053104 (2022).
24 L. Esnault, E. d'Humieres, A. Arefiev, and X. Ribeyre, "Electron-positron pair production in the collision of real photon beams with wide energy distributions", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 125015 (2021).
25 Y. He, I-L. Yeh, T. Blackburn, and A. Arefiev, "A single-laser scheme for observation of linear Breit-Wheeler electron-positron pair creation", New J. Phys. 23, 115005 (2021).
26 Y. Shi, D. Blackman, and A. Arefiev, "Electron acceleration using twisted laser wavefronts"  Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63, 125032 (2021).
27 T. Wang, D. Blackman, K. Chin, and A. Arefiev, "Effects of simulation dimensionality on laser-driven electron acceleration and photon emission in hollow microchannel targets", Phys. Rev. E 104, 045206 (2021).
28 I-L. Yeh, K. Tangtartharakul, H. Rinderknecht, L. Willingale, and A. Arefiev, "Strong interplay between superluminosity and radiation friction during direct laser acceleration", New J. Phys. 23, 095010 (2021).
29 H. Rinderknecht, T. Wang, A. Garcia, G. Bruhaug, M. Wei, H. Quevedo, T. Ditmire, J. Williams, A. Haid, D. Doria, K. Spohr, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Relativistically transparent magnetic filaments: scaling laws, initial results and prospects for strong-field QED studies", New J. Phys. 23, 095009 (2021).
30 Y. He, T. Blackburn, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Dominance of γ-γ electron-positron pair creation in a plasma driven by high-intensity lasers", Communications Physics 4, 139 (2021).
31 Y. Shi, D. Blackman, D. Stutman, and A. Arefiev, "Generation of Ultrarelativistic Monoenergetic Electron Bunches via a Synergistic Interaction of Longitudinal Electric and Magnetic Fields of a Twisted Laser", Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 234801  (2021).
32 K. Tangtartharakul, G. Chen, and A. Arefiev, "Particle integrator for particle-in-cell simulations of ultra-high intensity laser-plasma interactions", Journal of Computational Physics 434, 110233 (2021).
33 H. Mao, K. Weichman, Z. Gong, T. Ditmire, H. Quevedo, and A. Arefiev, "Emission of electromagnetic waves as a stopping mechanism for nonlinear collisionless ionization waves in a high-β regime", Phys. Rev. E 103, 023209 (2021).
34 A. E. Hussein, A. Arefiev, T. Batson, H. Chen, R. S. Craxton, A. S. Davies, D. H. Froula, Z. Gong, D. Haberberger, Y. Ma, P. M. Nilson, W. Theobald, T. Wang, K. Weichman, G. J. Williams, and L. Willingale, "Towards the optimization of direct laser acceleration", New J. Phys. 23, 023031 (2021).
35 K. Weichman, M. Murakami, A. P. L. Robinson, and A. Arefiev, "Sign reversal in magnetic field amplification by relativistic laser-driven microtube implosions", Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 244101 (2020).
36 K. Weichman, A. P. L. Robinson, M. Murakami, and A. V. Arefiev, "Strong surface magnetic field generation in relativistic short pulse laser-plasma interaction with an applied seed magnetic field", New J. Phys. 22, 113009 (2020).
37 K. Weichman, J. J. Santos, S. Fujioka, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Generation of focusing ion beams by magnetized electron sheath acceleration", Scientific Reports 10, 18966 (2020).
38 M. Murakami, J. J. Honrubia, K. Weichman, A. Arefiev, and S.V. Bulanov, "Generation of megatesla magnetic fields by intense-laser−driven microtube implosions", Scientific Reports 10, 16653 (2020).
39 J. Koga, M. Murakami, A. Arefiev, Y. Nakamiya, S. S. Bulanov, S. V. Bulanov, "Electron-positron pair creation in the electric fields generated by micro-bubble implosions", Phys. Lett. A 384, 126854 (2020).
40 H. Morita, A. Arefiev, T. Toncian, J. J. Santos, D. Golovin, S. Shokita, T. Mori, K. Farley Law, H. Li, R. Takizawa, K. Matsuo, A. Morace, A. Yogo, and S. Fujioka, "Application of laser-driven capacitor-coil to target normal sheath acceleration", High Energy Density Physics 37, 100874 (2020).
41 T. Wang and A. Arefiev, "Comment on 'Creation of electron-positron pairs in photon-photon collisions driven by 10-PW laser pulses’", Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 079501 (2020).
42 Y. Shi, K. Weichman, R. J. Kingham, and A. V. Arefiev, "Magnetic field generation in a laser-irradiated thin collisionless plasma target by return current electrons carrying orbital angular momentum", New J. Phys. 22, 073067 (2020).
43 Z. Gong, F. Mackenroth, T. Wang, X. Q. Yan, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Direct laser acceleration of electrons assisted by strong laser-driven azimuthal plasma magnetic fields", Phys. Rev. E 102, 013206 (2020).
44 A. Arefiev, D. Stark, T. Toncian, and M. Murakami, "Birefringence in thermally anisotropic relativistic plasmas and its impact on laser-plasma interactions", Phys. Plasmas 27, 063106 (2020).
45 T. Wang, Z. Gong, and A. Arefiev, "Electron confinement by laser-driven azimuthal magnetic fields during direct laser acceleration", Phys. Plasmas 27, 053109 (2020).
46 P. Zhang, S. S. Bulanov, D. Seipt, A. Arefiev, and A. G. R. Thomas, "Relativistic plasma physics in supercritical fields", Phys. Plasmas 27, 050601 (2020).
47 T. Wang, X. Ribeyre, Z. Gong, O. Jansen, E. d'Humieres, D. Stutman, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Power scaling for collimated gamma-ray beams generated by structured laser-irradiated targets and its application to two-photon pair production", Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 054024 (2020).
48 A. Arefiev, Z. Gong, A. P. L. Robinson, "Energy gain by laser-irradiated electrons in a strong magnetic field", Phys. Rev. E 101, 043201 (2020).
49 A. P. L. Robinson and A. Arefiev, "Net energy gain in direct laser acceleration due to enhanced dephasing induced by an applied magnetic field", Phys. Plasmas 27, 023110 (2020).
50 K. Weichman, A. P. L. Robinson, F. N. Beg, and A. V. Arefiev, "Laser reflection as a catalyst for direct laser acceleration in multipicosecond laser-plasma interaction", Phys. Plasmas 27, 013106 (2020).