
Publications in Pre-Print stage

Generation of 10 kT Axial Magnetic Fields Using Multiple Conventional Laser Beams: A Sensitivity Study for kJ PW-Class Laser Facilities

Publication type

Jue Xuan Hao, Xiang Tang, A. Arefiev, Robert J. Kingham, Ping Zhu, Yin Shi, and Jian Zheng, "Generation of 10 kT axial magnetic fields using multiple conventional laser beams: a sensitivity study for kJ PW-class laser facilities"


Strong multi-kilotesla magnetic fields have various applications in high-energy density science and laboratory astrophysics, but they are not readily available. In our previous work [Y. Shi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 155101 (2023)], we developed a novel approach for generating such fields using multiple conventional laser beams with a twist in the pointing direction. This method is particularly well-suited for multi-kilojoule petawatt-class laser systems like SG-II UP, which are designed with multiple linearly polarized beamlets. Utilizing three-dimensional kinetic particle-in-cell simulations, we examine critical factors for a proof-of-principle experiment, such as laser polarization, relative pulse delay, phase offset, pointing stability, and target configuration, and their impact on magnetic field generation. Our general conclusion is that the approach is very robust and can be realized under a wide range of laser parameters and plasma conditions. We also provide an in-depth analysis of the axial magnetic field configuration, azimuthal electron current, and electron and ion orbital angular momentum densities. Supported by a simple model, our analysis shows that the axial magnetic field decays due to the expansion of hot electrons.

Efficient backward x-ray emission in a finite-length plasma irradiated by a laser pulse of ps duration

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I-L. Yeh, K. Tangtartharakul, H. Tang, L. Willingale, and A. Arefiev, "Efficient backward x-ray emission in a finite-length plasma irradiated by a laser pulse of ps duration"


Motivated by experiments employing ps-long, kilojoule laser pulses, we examined x-ray emission in a finite length underdense plasma irradiated by such a pulse using two dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. We found that, in addition to the expected forward emission, the plasma also efficiently emits in the backward direction. Our simulations reveal that the backward emission occurs when the laser exits the plasma. The longitudinal plasma electric field generated by the laser at the density down-ramp turns around some of the laser-accelerated electrons and re-accelerates them in the backward direction. As the electrons collide with the laser, they emit hard x-rays. The energy conversion efficiency is comparable to that for the forward emission, but the effective source size is smaller. We show that the ps laser duration is required for achieving a spatial overlap between the laser and the backward energetic electrons. At peak laser intensity of 1.4 × 1020 W/cm2, backward emitted photons (energies above 100 keV and 10 divergence angle) account for 2 × 10−5 of the incident laser energy. This conversion efficiency is three times higher than that for similarly selected forward emitted photons. The source size of the backward photons (5 µm) is three times smaller than the source size of the forward photons.

Achieving collimated gamma-ray emission from direct laser acceleration

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K. Tangtartharakul, G. Fauvel, T. Meir, F. Condamine, S. Weber, I. Pomerantz , M. Manuel, and A. Arefiev, "Achieving collimated gamma-ray emission from direct laser acceleration"


In this paper, we investigate the conditions under which direct laser acceleration (DLA) of electrons in a laser-irradiated plasma can produce distinct photon emission profiles, focusing on the mechanisms responsible for single-lobed versus double-lobed angular distributions of emitted γ-rays. Through a combination of particle-in-cell simulations, test-electron simulations, and theoretical analysis, we demonstrate that the efficiency of DLA is a key determinant of the resulting emission pattern. Our results show that inefficient DLA, characterized by electrons rapidly gaining and losing energy within a single laser cycle, leads to a double-lobed emission profile heavily influenced by laser fields. In contrast, in the efficient DLA regime, where electrons steadily accumulate energy over multiple cycles, the emission is primarily governed by the quasi-static azimuthal magnetic fields generated by the laser in the plasma, resulting in a well-collimated single-lobed emission profile. Additionally, we identify that reducing the electron density in the target enhances the efficiency of DLA, thereby transforming the emission from a double-lobed to a single-lobed profile. These findings provide valuable insights into the optimization of laser-driven γ-ray sources for applications requiring high-intensity, well-collimated beams.

Arbitrary pulse-shaping in ultrashort pulse lasers using high-resolution direct phase control in the spectral domain

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S. M. Buczek, G. W. Collins, A. Arefiev, and M. Manuel, "Arbitrary pulse-shaping in ultrashort pulse lasers using high-resolution direct phase control in the spectral domain"


Ultrafast laser systems, those with a pulse duration on the order of picoseconds or less, have enabled advancements in a wide variety of fields. Of particular interest to this work, these laser systems are the key component to many High Energy Density (HED) physics experiments. Despite this, previous studies on the shape of the laser pulse within the HED community have focused primarily on pulse duration due to the relationship between pulse duration and peak intensity, while leaving the femtosecond scale structure of the pulse shape largely unstudied. To broaden the variety of potential pulses available for study, a method of reliably adjusting the pulse shape at the femtosecond scale using sub-nanometer resolution Direct Phase Control has been developed. This paper examines the capabilities of this new method compared to more commonplace dispersion-based pulse shaping methods. It also will detail the capabilities of the core algorithm driving this technique when used in conjunction with the WIZZLER and DAZZLER instruments that are common in high intensity laser labs. Finally, some discussion is given to possible applications on how the Direct Phase Control pulse shaping technique will be implemented in the future.