
Paper of any type conference or journal

Undepleted direct laser acceleration

Publication type

I. Cohen, T. Meir, K. Tangtartharakul, L. Perelmutter, M. Elkind, Y. Gershuni, A. Levanon, A. Arefiev, and I. Pomerantz, "Undepleted direct laser acceleration", Sci. Adv. 10, eadk1947 (2024).


Intense lasers enable generating high-energy particle beams in university-scale laboratories. With the direct laser acceleration (DLA) method, the leading part of the laser pulse ionizes the target material and forms a positively charged ion plasma channel into which electrons are injected and accelerated. The high energy conversion efficiency of DLA makes it ideal for generating large numbers of photonuclear reactions. In this work, we reveal that, for efficient DLA to prevail, a target material of sufficiently high atomic number is required to maintain the injection of ionization electrons at the peak intensity of the pulse when the DLA channel is already formed. We demonstrate experimentally and numerically that, when the atomic number is too low, the target is depleted of its ionization electrons prematurely. Applying this understanding to multi-petawatt laser experiments is expected to result in increased neutron yields, a perquisite for a wide range of research and applications.

Electron energy gain due to a laser frequency modulation experienced by electron during betatron motion

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A. Arefiev, I.-L. Yeh, K. Tangtartharakul, and L. Willingale, "Electron energy gain due to a laser frequency modulation experienced by electron during betatron motion", Physics of Plasmas 31, 023106 (2024).


Direct laser acceleration of electrons is an important energy deposition mechanism for laser-irradiated plasmas that is particularly effective at relativistic laser intensities in the presence of quasi-static laser-driven plasma electric and magnetic fields. These radial electric and azimuthal magnetic fields provide transverse electron confinement by inducing betatron oscillations of forward-moving electrons undergoing laser acceleration. Electrons are said to experience a betatron resonance when the frequency of betatron oscillations matches the average frequency of the laser field oscillations at the electron position. In this paper, we show that the modulation of the laser frequency as seen by an electron performing betatron oscillations can be another important mechanism for net energy gain that is qualitatively different from the betatron resonance. Specifically, we show that the frequency modulation experienced by the electron can lead to net energy gain in the regime where the laser field performs three oscillations per betatron oscillation. There is no net energy gain in this regime without the modulation because the energy gain is fully compensated by the energy loss. The modulation slows down the laser oscillation near transverse stopping points, increasing the time interval during which the electron gains energy and making it possible to achieve net energy gain.

The influence of laser focusing conditions on the direct laser acceleration of electrons

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H. Tang, K. Tangtartharakul, R. Babjak, I-L Yeh, F. Albert, H. Chen, P. T. Campbell, Y. Ma, P. M. Nilson, B. K. Russell, J. L. Shaw, A. G. R. Thomas, M. Vranic, A. Arefiev, and L. Willingale, "The influence of laser focusing conditions on the direct laser acceleration of electrons", New J. Phys. 26, 053010 (2024).


Direct laser acceleration of electrons during a high-energy, picosecond laser interaction with an underdense plasma has been demonstrated to be substantially enhanced by controlling the laser focusing geometry. Experiments using the OMEGA EP facility measured electrons accelerated to maximum energies exceeding 120 times the ponderomotive energy under certain laser focusing, pulse energy, and plasma density conditions. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that the laser focusing conditions alter the laser field evolution, channel fields generation, and electron oscillation, all of which contribute to the final electron energies. The optimal laser focusing condition occurs when the transverse oscillation amplitude of the accelerated electron in the channel fields matches the laser beam width, resulting in efficient energy gain. Through this observation, a simple model was developed to calculate the optimal laser focal spot size in more general conditions and is validated by experimental data.

Space-time structured plasma waves

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J.  P. Palastro, K. G. Miller, R. K. Follett, D. Ramsey, K. Weichman, A. Arefiev, and D. H. Froula, "Space-time structured plasma waves", Phys. Rev. Letters 132, 095101 (2024).


Electrostatic waves play a critical role in nearly every branch of plasma physics from fusion to advanced accelerators, to astro, solar, and ionospheric physics. The properties of planar electrostatic waves are fully determined by the plasma conditions, such as density, temperature, ionization state, or details of the distribution functions. Here we demonstrate that electrostatic wave packets structured with space-time correlations can have properties that are independent of the plasma conditions. For instance, an appropriately structured electrostatic wave packet can travel at any group velocity, even backward with respect to its phase fronts, while maintaining a localized energy density. These linear, propagation-invariant wave packets can be constructed with or without orbital angular momentum by superposing natural modes of the plasma and can be ponderomotively excited by space-time structured laser pulses like the flying focus.

Direct laser acceleration in underdense plasmas with multi-PW lasers: a path to high-charge, GeV-class electron bunches

Publication type

R. Babjak, L. Willingale, A. Arefiev, and M. Vranic, "Direct laser acceleration in underdense plasmas with multi-PW lasers: a path to high-charge, GeV-class electron bunches", Phys. Rev. Letters 132, 125001 (2024).


The direct laser acceleration (DLA) of electrons in underdense plasmas can provide hundreds of nC of electrons accelerated to near-GeV energies using currently available lasers. Here we demonstrate the key role of electron transverse displacement in the acceleration and use it to analytically predict the expected maximum electron energies. The energy scaling is shown to be in agreement with full-scale quasi-3D particle-in-cell simulations of a laser pulse propagating through a preformed guiding channel and can be directly used for optimizing DLA in near-future laser facilities. The strategy towards optimizing DLA through matched laser focusing is presented for a wide range of plasma densities paired with current and near-future laser technology. Electron energies in excess of 10 GeV are accessible for lasers at I~1021 W/cm2.

Plasma-guided Compton source

Publication type

T. Meir, I. Cohen, K. Tangtartharakul, T. Cohen, M. Fraenkel, A. Arefiev, and I. Pomerantz, "Plasma-guided Compton source", Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 044004 (2024).


We investigated numerically the emission properties of an x-ray source based on direct laser acceleration of electrons interacting with an intense counter-propagating laser pulse. The source was realized by irradiating from both sides a high atomic number plasma-plume target. The resulting x-ray beam was analyzed through three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations for its spectral content, source size, angular divergence, and temporal structure. For simulated experiments in which the total laser-pulse energy was 1.5 J, we obtained a peak brightness of approximately 1022 (s mrad2 mm2 0.1%BW)-1 of x-ray photons peaking at an energy of 25 keV. The results and their competitiveness in applications are discussed and compared with other laser-based x-ray generation methods.

Electron pulse train accelerated by a linearly polarized Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam

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Y. Shi, D. Blackman, P. Zhu, and A. Arefiev, "Electron pulse train accelerated by a linearly polarized Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam", High Power Laser Science and Engineering (2022).


A linearly polarized Laguerre–Gaussian (LP-LG) laser beam with a twist index l = −1 has field structure that fundamentally differs from the field structure of a conventional linearly polarized Gaussian beam. Close to the axis of the LP-LG beam, the longitudinal electric and magnetic fields dominate over the transverse components. This structure offers an attractive opportunity to accelerate electrons in vacuum. It is shown, using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, that this scenario can be realized by reflecting an LP-LG laser off a plasma with a sharp density gradient. The simulations indicate that a 600 TW LP-LG laser beam effectively injects electrons into the beam during the reflection. The electrons that are injected close to the laser axis experience a prolonged longitudinal acceleration by the longitudinal laser electric field. The electrons form distinct monoenergetic bunches with a small divergence angle. The energy in the most energetic bunch is 0.29 GeV. The bunch charge is 6 pC and its duration is approximately 270 as. The divergence angle is just 0.57 (10 mrad). By using a linearly polarized rather than a circularly polarized Laguerre–Gaussian our scheme makes it easier to demonstrate the electron acceleration experimentally at a high-power laser facility.


Kinetic phenomena of helical plasma waves with orbital angular momentum

Publication type

D. Blackman, R. Nuter, Ph. Korneev, A. Arefiev, and V. Tikhonchuk, "Kinetic phenomena of helical plasma waves with orbital angular momentum",  Physics of Plasmas 29, 072105 (2022).


An accurate description of plasma waves is fundamental for the understanding of many plasma phenomena. It is possible to twist plasma waves such that, in addition to having longitudinal motion, they can possess a quantized orbital angular momentum. One such type of plasma wave is the Laguerre–Gaussian mode. Three-dimensional numerical particle-in-cell simulations demonstrate the existence of stable long-lived plasma waves with orbital angular momentum. These waves can be shown to create large amplitude static magnetic fields with unique twisted longitudinal structures. In this paper, we review the recent progress in studies of helical plasma waves and present a new analytical description of a standing Laguerre–Gaussian plasma wave mode along with 3D particle-in-cell simulation results. The Landau damping of twisted plasma waves shows important differences compared to standard longitudinal plasma wave Landau damping. These effects include an increased damping rate, which is affected by both the focal width and the orbital number of the plasma wave. This increase in the damping rate is of the same order as the thermal correction. Moreover, the direction of momentum picked up by resonant particles from the twisted plasma wave can be significantly altered. By contrast, the radial electric field has a subtle effect on the trajectories of resonant electrons.

Underdense relativistically thermal plasma produced by magnetically assisted direct laser acceleration

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K. Weichman, J. Palastro, A. Robinson, R. Bingham, and A. Arefiev, "Underdense relativistically thermal plasma produced by magnetically assisted direct laser acceleration", Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042017 (2022).


We introduce the first approach to volumetrically generate relativistically thermal plasma at gas-jet-accessible density. Using fully kinetic simulations and theory, we demonstrate that two stages of direct laser acceleration driven by two laser pulses in an applied magnetic field can heat a significant plasma volume to multi-MeV average energy. The highest-momentum feature is 2D-isotropic, persists after the interaction, and includes the majority of electrons, enabling experimental access to bulk-relativistic, high-energy-density plasma in an optically diagnosable regime for the first time.

Energy-chirp compensation of laser-driven ion beams enabled by structured targets

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Z. Gong, S. S. Bulanov, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Energy-chirp compensation of laser-driven ion beams enabled by structured targets", Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042031 (2022).


We show using three-dimensional (3D) simulations that the challenge of generating dense monoenergetic laser-driven ion beams with low angular divergence can be overcome by utilizing structured targets with a relativistically transparent channel and an overdense wall. In contrast to a uniform target that produces a chirped ion beam, the target structure facilitates the formation of a dense electron bunch whose longitudinal electric field reverses the energy chirp. This approach works in conjunction with existing acceleration mechanisms, augmenting the ion spectra. For example, our 3D simulations predict a significant improvement for a 2 PW laser pulse with a peak intensity of 5×1022 W/cm2. The simulations show a monoenergetic proton peak in a highly desirable energy range of 200 MeV with an unprecedented charge of several nC and a relatively low divergence that is below 10o.