
Paper of any type conference or journal

Electron acceleration from transparent targets irradiated by ultra-intense helical laser beams

Publication type

D. Blackman, Y. Shi, S. Klein, M. Cernaianu, D. Doria, P. Ghenuche, and A. Arefiev, "Electron acceleration from transparent targets irradiated by ultra-intense helical laser beams", Communications Physics 5, 116 (2022).


The concept of electron acceleration by a laser beam in vacuum is attractive due to its seeming simplicity, but its implementation has been elusive, as it requires efficient electron injection into the beam and a mechanism for counteracting transverse expulsion. Electron injection during laser reflection off a plasma mirror is a promising mechanism, but it is sensitive to the plasma density gradient that is hard to control. We get around this sensitivity by utilizing volumetric injection that takes place when a helical laser beam traverses a low-density target. The electron retention is achieved by choosing the helicity, such that the transverse field profiles are hollow while the longitudinal fields are peaked on central axis. We demonstrate using three-dimensional simulations that a 3 PW helical laser can generate a 50 pC low-divergence electron beam with a maximum energy of 1.5 GeV. The unique features of the beam are short acceleration distance (∼100 μm), compact transverse size, high areal density, and electron bunching (∼100 as bunch duration).

Achieving pair creation via linear and nonlinear Breit-Wheeler processes in dense plasmas

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Y. He, T. G. Blackburn, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Achieving pair creation via linear and nonlinear Breit-Wheeler processes in dense plasmas",  Physics of Plasmas 29, 053105 (2022).


It has been recently shown that over 109 electron–positron pairs can be produced from light alone at an experimentally accessible laser intensity of 5×1022 W/cm2 by irradiating a target with a pre-formed channel by two counter-propagating laser pulses. Although targets of variable length and channel density have been successfully fabricated and used in recent experiments involving high-intensity lasers, the impact of these parameters on the pair yield by different pair creation processes is yet to be understood. In this paper, we explore, using two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, the impact of the channel density and length on pair production by the linear Breit–Wheeler process, nonlinear Breit–Wheeler process, and Bethe–Heitler process at fixed laser intensity. We find that these parameters can be successfully used to increase the linear Breit–Wheeler pair yield. More importantly, the relative contribution of each process can be adjusted by varying the same parameters. We show that this approach allows us to completely eliminate the yield from the nonlinear Breit–Wheeler process while maintaining a significant yield from the linear Breit–Wheeler process. The Bethe–Heitler process plays a secondary role in the considered system, so the majority of the positrons inside the channel are produced from light alone. Our results indicate that a structured target irradiated by two laser beams has the potential to be a versatile platform for future experimental studies of the Breit–Wheeler pair production processes, with the target parameters serving as control knobs.

Progress in relativistic laser–plasma interaction with kilotesla-level applied magnetic fields

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K. Weichman, A. P. L. Robinson, M. Murakami, J. J. Santos, S. Fujioka, T. Toncian, J. P. Palastro, and A. Arefiev, "Progress in relativistic laser–plasma interaction with kilotesla-level applied magnetic fields",  Physics of Plasmas 29, 053104 (2022).


We report on progress in the understanding of the effects of kilotesla-level applied magnetic fields on relativistic laser–plasma interactions. Ongoing advances in magnetic-field–generation techniques enable new and highly desirable phenomena, including magnetic-field–amplification platforms with reversible sign, focusing ion acceleration, and bulk-relativistic plasma heating. Building on recent advancements in laser–plasma interactions with applied magnetic fields, we introduce simple models for evaluating the effects of applied magnetic fields in magnetic-field amplification, sheath-based ion acceleration, and direct laser acceleration. These models indicate the feasibility of observing beneficial magnetic-field effects under experimentally relevant conditions and offer a starting point for future experimental design.

A single-laser scheme for observation of linear Breit-Wheeler electron-positron pair creation

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Y. He, I-L. Yeh, T. Blackburn, and A. Arefiev, "A single-laser scheme for observation of linear Breit-Wheeler electron-positron pair creation", New J. Phys. 23, 115005 (2021).


We show that a single laser pulse, traveling through a dense plasma, produces a population of MeV photons of sufficient density to generate a large number of electron-positron pairs via the linear Breit-Wheeler process. While it may be expected that the photons are emitted predominantly in the forward direction, parallel to the laser propagation, we find that a longitudinal plasma electric field drives the emission of photons in the backwards direction. This enables the collision of oppositely directed, MeV-level photons necessary to overcome the mass threshold for the linear Breit-Wheeler process. Our calculations predict the production of 107 electron-positron pairs, per shot, by a laser with peak intensity of just 3×1022 W/cm2. By using only a single laser pulse, the scheme sidesteps the practical difficulties associated with the multiple-laser schemes previously investigated.

Electron-positron pair production in the collision of real photon beams with wide energy distributions

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L. Esnault, E. d'Humieres, A. Arefiev, and X. Ribeyre, "Electron-positron pair production in the collision of real photon beams with wide energy distributions", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 125015 (2021).


The creation of an electron–positron pair in the collision of two real photons, namely the linear Breit–Wheeler process, has never been detected directly in the laboratory since its prediction in 1934 despite its fundamental importance in quantum electrodynamics and high energy astrophysics. In the last few years, several experimental setup have been proposed to observe this process in the laboratory, relying either on thermal radiation, Bremsstrahlung, linear or multiphoton inverse Compton scattering photons sources created by lasers or by the mean of a lepton collider coupled with lasers. In these propositions, the influence of the photons' energy distribution on the total number of produced pairs has been taken into account with an analytical model only for two of these cases. We hereafter develop a general and original, semi-analytical model to estimate the influence of the photons energy distribution on the total number of pairs produced by the collision of two such photon beams, and give optimum energy parameters for some of the proposed experimental configurations. Our results shows that the production of optimum Bremsstrahlung and linear inverse Compton sources are, only from energy distribution considerations, already reachable in today's facilities. Despite its less interesting energy distribution features for the linear Breit–Wheeler pair production, the photon sources generated via multiphoton inverse Compton scattering by the propagation of a laser in a micro-channel can also be interesting, thank to the high collision luminosity that could eventually be reached by such configurations. These results then gives important insights for the design of experiments intended to detect linear Breit–Wheeler produced positrons in the laboratory for the first time.

Effects of simulation dimensionality on laser-driven electron acceleration and photon emission in hollow microchannel targets

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T. Wang, D. Blackman, K. Chin, and A. Arefiev, "Effects of simulation dimensionality on laser-driven electron acceleration and photon emission in hollow microchannel targets", Phys. Rev. E 104, 045206 (2021).


Using two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) kinetic simulations, we examine the impact of simulation dimensionality on the laser-driven electron acceleration and the emission of collimated γ-ray beams from hollow microchannel targets. We demonstrate that the dimensionality of the simulations considerably influences the results of electron acceleration and photon generation owing to the variation of laser phase velocity in different geometries. In a 3D simulation with a cylindrical geometry, the acceleration process of electrons terminates early due to the higher phase velocity of the propagating laser fields; in contrast, 2D simulations with planar geometry tend to have prolonged electron acceleration and thus produce much more energetic electrons. The photon beam generated in the 3D setup is found to be more diverged accompanied with a lower conversion efficiency. Our paper concludes that the 2D simulation can qualitatively reproduce the features in 3D simulation, but for quantitative evaluations and reliable predictions to facilitate experiment designs 3D modeling is strongly recommended.

Electron acceleration using twisted laser wavefronts

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Y. Shi, D. Blackman, and A. Arefiev, "Electron acceleration using twisted laser wavefronts"  Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63, 125032 (2021).


Using plasma mirror injection we demonstrate, both analytically and numerically, that a circularly polarized helical laser pulse can accelerate highly collimated dense bunches of electrons to several hundred MeV using currently available laser systems. The circular-polarized helical (Laguerre-Gaussian) beam has a unique field structure where the transverse fields have helix-like wave-fronts which tend to zero on-axis where, at focus, there are large on-axis longitudinal magnetic and electric fields. The acceleration of electrons by this type of laser pulse is analysed as a function of radial mode number and it is shown that the radial mode number has a profound effect on electron acceleration close to the laser axis.Using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations a circular-polarized helical laser beam with power of 0.6 PW is shown to produce several dense attosecond bunches. The bunch nearest the peak of the laser envelope has an energy of 0.47 GeV with spread as narrow as 10%, a charge of 26 pC with duration of 400 as, and a very low divergence of 20 mrad}. The confinement by longitudinal magnetic fields in the near-axis region allows the longitudinal electric fields to accelerate the electrons over a long period after the initial reflection. Both the longitudinal E and B fields are shown to be essential for electron acceleration in this scheme. This opens up new paths towards attosecond electron beams, or attosecond radiation, at many laser facilities around the world.

Strong interplay between superluminosity and radiation friction during direct laser acceleration

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I-L. Yeh, K. Tangtartharakul, H. Rinderknecht, L. Willingale, and A. Arefiev, "Strong interplay between superluminosity and radiation friction during direct laser acceleration", New J. Phys. 23, 095010 (2021).


We examine direct laser acceleration of electrons within a magnetic filament that has been shown to form inside a laser-irradiated plasma. We focus on ultra-high intensity interactions where the force of radiation friction caused by electron emission of electromagnetic radiation must be taken into account. It is shown that even relatively weak superluminosity of laser wave fronts - the feature that has been previously neglected - qualitatively changes the electron dynamics, leading to a so-called attractor effect. As a result of this effect, electrons with various initial energies reach roughly the same maximum energy and emit roughly the same power in the form of x-rays and gamma-rays. Our analysis is performed using a test-particle model. The discovered strong interplay between superluminosity and radiation friction is of direct relevance to laser-plasma interactions at high-intensity multi-PW laser facilities.

Relativistically transparent magnetic filaments: scaling laws, initial results and prospects for strong-field QED studies

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H. Rinderknecht, T. Wang, A. Garcia, G. Bruhaug, M. Wei, H. Quevedo, T. Ditmire, J. Williams, A. Haid, D. Doria, K. Spohr, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Relativistically transparent magnetic filaments: scaling laws, initial results and prospects for strong-field QED studies", New J. Phys. 23, 095009 (2021).


Relativistic transparency enables volumetric laser interaction with overdense plasmas and direct laser acceleration of electrons to relativistic velocities. The dense electron current generates a magnetic filament with field strength of the order of the laser amplitude (>105 T). The magnetic filament traps the electrons radially, enabling efficient acceleration and conversion of laser energy into MeV photons by electron oscillations in the filament. The use of microstructured targets stabilizes the hosing instabilities associated with relativistically transparent interactions, resulting in robust and repeatable production of this phenomenon. Analytical scaling laws are derived to describe the radiated photon spectrum and energy from the magnetic filament phenomenon in terms of the laser intensity, focal radius, pulse duration, and the plasma density. These scaling laws are compared to 3-D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, demonstrating agreement over two regimes of focal radius. Preliminary experiments to study this phenomenon at moderate intensity (a0 ~ 30) were performed on the Texas Petawatt Laser. Experimental signatures of the magnetic filament phenomenon are observed in the electron and photon spectra recorded in a subset of these experiments that is consistent with the experimental design, analytical scaling and 3-D PIC simulations. Implications for future experimental campaigns are discussed.

Particle integrator for particle-in-cell simulations of ultra-high intensity laser-plasma interactions

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K. Tangtartharakul, G. Chen, and A. Arefiev, "Particle integrator for particle-in-cell simulations of ultra-high intensity laser-plasma interactions", Journal of Computational Physics 434, 110233 (2021).


Particle-in-cell codes are the most widely used simulation tools for kinetic studies of ultra-intense laser-plasma interactions. Using the motion of a single electron in a plane electromagnetic wave as a benchmark problem, we show surprising deterioration of the numerical accuracy of the PIC algorithm with increasing normalized wave amplitude for typical time-step and grid sizes. Two significant sources of errors are identified: strong acceleration near stopping points and the temporal field interpolation. We propose adaptive electron sub-cycling coupled with a third order temporal interpolation of the magnetic field and electric field as an efficient remedy that dramatically improves the accuracy of the particle integrator.