
Paper of any type conference or journal

Sign reversal in magnetic field amplification by relativistic laser-driven microtube implosions

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K. Weichman, M. Murakami, A. P. L. Robinson, and A. Arefiev, "Sign reversal in magnetic field amplification by relativistic laser-driven microtube implosions", Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 244101 (2020).


We demonstrate and explain the surprising phenomenon of sign reversal in magnetic field amplification by the laser-driven implosion of a structured target. Relativistically intense laser pulses incident on the outer surface of a microtube target consisting of a thin opaque shell surrounding a $\mu$m-scale cylindrical void drive an initial ion implosion and later explosion capable of generating and subsequently amplifying strong magnetic fields. While the magnetic field generation is enhanced and spatially smoothed by the application of a kilotesla-level seed field, the sign of the generated field does not always follow the sign of the seed field. One unexpected consequence of the amplification process is a reversal in the sign of the amplified magnetic field when, for example, the target outer cross section is changed from square to circular. Using 2D particle-in-cell simulations, we demonstrate that sign reversal is linked to the stability of the surface magnetic field of opposite sign from the seed, which arises at the target inner surface during laser irradiation. The stability of the surface magnetic field and, consequently, the sign of the final amplified field depend sensitively on the target, laser, and seed magnetic field conditions, which could be leveraged to make laser-driven microtube implosions an attractive platform for the study of magnetic fields in high energy density plasma in regimes where sign reversal either is or is not desired.

Generation of focusing ion beams by magnetized electron sheath acceleration

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K. Weichman, J. J. Santos, S. Fujioka, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Generation of focusing ion beams by magnetized electron sheath acceleration", Scientific Reports 10, 18966 (2020).


We present the first 3D fully kinetic simulations of laser driven sheath-based ion acceleration with a kilotesla-level applied magnetic field. The application of a strong magnetic field significantly and beneficially alters sheath based ion acceleration and creates two distinct stages in the acceleration process associated with the time-evolving magnetization of the hot electron sheath. The first stage delivers dramatically enhanced acceleration, and the second reverses the typical outward-directed topology of the sheath electric field into a focusing configuration. The net result is a focusing, magnetic field-directed ion source of multiple species with strongly enhanced energy and number. The predicted improvements in ion source characteristics are desirable for applications and suggest a route to experimentally confirm magnetization-related effects in the high energy density regime. We additionally perform a comparison between 2D and 3D simulation geometry, on which basis we predict the feasibility of observing magnetic field effects under experimentally relevant conditions.

Dominance of γ-γ electron-positron pair creation in a plasma driven by high-intensity lasers

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Y. He, T. Blackburn, T. Toncian, and A. Arefiev, "Dominance of γ-γ electron-positron pair creation in a plasma driven by high-intensity lasers", Communications Physics 4, 139 (2021).


Creation of electrons and positrons from light alone is a basic prediction of quantum electrodynamics, but yet to be observed. Here we show that it is possible to create >108 positrons by dual laser irradiation of a structured plasma target, at intensities of 2×1022 W/cm2. In contrast to previous work, the pair creation is primarily driven by the linear Breit-Wheeler process (γγ→e+e), not the nonlinear process assumed to be dominant at high intensity, because of the high density of γ rays emitted inside the target. The favorable scaling with laser intensity of the linear process prompts reconsideration of its neglect in simulation studies, but also permits positron jet formation at intensities that are already experimentally feasible. Simulations show that the positrons, confined by a quasistatic plasma magnetic field, may be accelerated by the lasers to energies > 200 MeV.

Electron-positron pair creation in the electric fields generated by micro-bubble implosions

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J. Koga, M. Murakami, A. Arefiev, Y. Nakamiya, S. S. Bulanov, S. V. Bulanov, "Electron-positron pair creation in the electric fields generated by micro-bubble implosions", Phys. Lett. A 384, 126854 (2020).


We show that electron-positron pair production from the vacuum is possible via the strong Coulomb fields generated by micro-bubble implosions induced by ultra-high intensity lasers. Even in the case where the Coulomb fields are lower than the pair creation threshold, externally injected high energy electrons or photons could be used to generate pairs.


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Generation of megatesla magnetic fields by intense-laser−driven microtube implosions

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M. Murakami, J. J. Honrubia, K. Weichman, A. Arefiev, and S.V. Bulanov, "Generation of megatesla magnetic fields by intense-laser−driven microtube implosions", Scientific Reports 10, 16653 (2020).


A microtube implosion driven by ultraintense laser pulses is used to produce ultrahigh magnetic fields. Due to the laser-produced hot electrons with energies of mega-electron volts, cold ions in the inner wall surface implode towards the central axis. By pre-seeding uniform magnetic fields on the kilotesla order, the Lorenz force induces the Larmor gyromotion of the imploding ions and electrons. Due to the resultant collective motion of relativistic charged particles around the central axis, strong spin current densities of ∼ peta-ampere/cm2 are produced with a few tens of nm size, generating megatesla-order magnetic fields. The underlying physics and important scaling are revealed by particle simulations and a simple analytical model. The concept holds promise to open new frontiers in many branches of fundamental physics and applications in terms of ultrahigh magnetic fields.


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Application of Laser-Driven Capacitor-Coil to Target Normal Sheath Acceleration

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H. Morita, A. Arefiev, T. Toncian, J. J. Santos, D. Golovin, S. Shokita, T. Mori, K. Farley Law, H. Li, R. Takizawa, K. Matsuo, A. Morace, A. Yogo, and S. Fujioka, "Application of laser-driven capacitor-coil to target normal sheath acceleration", High Energy Density Physics 37, 100874 (2020).


A laser-driven accelerator generates protons with tens of MeV in energy by a compact, strong, and transient accelerating electric field produced by laser--plasma interactions at relativistic intensities. In previous studies, two- and three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations revealed that the application of a kT-level axial magnetic field results in an enhancement of proton acceleration via the target normal sheath acceleration mechanism due to reduced lateral electron divergence and improved electron heating efficiency. An experimental investigation of this scheme on the GEKKO-XII and the LFEX facilities found that the number and maximum energy of the accelerated protons decreased with increasing the temporal delay between the pulse driving the external magnetic-field and the pulse accelerating the protons, contrary to the theoretical and numerical expectations. We identify sources responsible for the degradation of the proton beam performance and we propose an alternative experimental setup to mitigate the degradation in future experiments.


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Emission of electromagnetic waves as a stopping mechanism for nonlinear collisionless ionization waves in a high-β regime

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H. Mao, K. Weichman, Z. Gong, T. Ditmire, H. Quevedo, and A. Arefiev, "Emission of electromagnetic waves as a stopping mechanism for nonlinear collisionless ionization waves in a high-β regime", Phys. Rev. E 103, 023209 (2021).


A high energy density plasma embedded in a neutral gas is able to launch an outward-propagating nonlinear electrostatic ionization wave that traps energetic electrons. The trapping maintains a strong sheath electric field, enabling rapid and long-lasting wave propagation aided by field ionization. Using 1D3V kinetic simulations, we examine the propagation of the ionization wave in the presence of a transverse MG-level magnetic field with the objective to identify qualitative changes in a regime where the initial thermal pressure of the plasma exceeds the pressure of the magnetic field (β>1). Our key finding is that the magnetic field stops the propagation by causing the energetic electrons sustaining the wave to lose their energy by emitting an electromagnetic wave. The emission is accompanied by the magnetic field expulsion from the plasma and an increased electron loss from the trapping wave structure. The described effect provides a mechanism mitigating rapid plasma expansion for those applications that involve an embedded plasma, such as high-flux neutron production from laser-irradiated deuterium gas jets.

Radiation rebound and quantum splash in electron-laser collisions

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Z. Gong, R. H. Hu, J. Q. Yu, Y. R. Shou, A. Arefiev, and X. Q. Yan, "Radiation rebound and quantum splash in electron-laser collisions", Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22, 093401 (2019).


The radiation reaction (RR) is expected to play a critical role in light-matter interactions at extreme intensity. Utilizing the theoretical analyses and three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulations, we demonstrate that electron reflection, induced by the RR in a head-on collision with an intense laser pulse, can provide pronounced signatures to discern the classical and quantum RR. In the classical regime, there is a precipitous threshold of laser intensity to achieve the whole electron bunch rebound. However, this threshold becomes a gradual transition in the quantum regime, where the electron bunch is quasi- isotropically scattered by the laser pulse and this process resembles a water splash. Leveraged on the derived dependence of classical radiation rebound on the parameters of laser pulses and electron bunches, a practical detecting method is proposed to distinguish the quantum discrete recoil and classical continuous RR force.


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Laser reflection as a catalyst for direct laser acceleration in multipicosecond laser-plasma interaction

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K. Weichman, A. P. L. Robinson, F. N. Beg, and A. V. Arefiev, "Laser reflection as a catalyst for direct laser acceleration in multipicosecond laser-plasma interaction", Phys. Plasmas 27, 013106 (2020).


We demonstrate that laser reflection acts as a catalyst for superponderomotive electron production in the preplasma formed by relativistic multipicosecond lasers incident on solid density targets. In 1D particle-in-cell simulations, high energy electron production proceeds via two stages of direct laser acceleration: an initial stochastic backward stage and a final nonstochastic forward stage. The initial stochastic stage, driven by the reflected laser pulse, provides the preacceleration needed to enable the final stage to be nonstochastic. Energy gain in the electrostatic potential, which has been frequently considered to enhance stochastic heating, is only of secondary importance. The mechanism underlying the production of high energy electrons by laser pulses incident on solid density targets is of direct relevance to applications involving multipicosecond laser-plasma interactions.